Born 10/07/2010 Ch. Ponadto Wojewoda X Ch. Cudowna Gratka Dla Nasz de L’Alhpa Dabydos DNA profile Eyes OK 02/11/13 HD C
Luxemburg Champion. Holland Champion. International Champion. Belgian Champion. Finnish Champion. Holland Juniorchampion. German Juniorchampion. Belgian Veteranchampion. |
Winner Nationale de France 2012 Winner Clusbshow France 2015 BOB and Vce BIS CWC Clubshow Poland 2015 Belgian Winner 2011-2012-2013 Winster Holland 2012 Holland Nizinnyclub Winner 2012 Belgian Veteranwinner 2018 Bundesjugendsieger 2011 VDH Europajugendsieger 2011 FCI Centuary Juniorwinner 2011 Ambiorixwinner 2012 |
Jasminka is always playfull and very social to everything and everybody, full of energy and always ready to play and work for us. She likes big walks and loves to play with a ball. A true friend for our children and other children, she is THE perfect PON. She can be loud and announce her happyness with devotion when we are coming home or when we wake up.